Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Greenwich Evaluation

Our group set out to make a challenging project. Greenwich is a fascinating place and we all felt that our project should reflect that. We wanted to create a fun game – something that the other group would not only enjoy- but also learn a bit more about London.

Due to being ill throughout the whole week in which the group decided who would be researching what, I initially found myself in an uncomfortable position. All the important roles having been assigned and almost taken care of by the time I returned to the classroom, I felt as if there wasn’t anything for me to actually do. As a result my preliminary role in the Greenwich project was not a very important one– I elected to do some general background research on the site in order to feel involved and to get an insight on the place. To that end my research stretched from background information on the Cutty Sark, to the docklands, and back to the observatory. Although this was interesting for me, it was almost pointless because my teammates covered all the main beats in their own research- but at least I felt I was participating.

The next stage of the project was more challenging. We came up with clues, and traveled to the site as a group to do recon and essentially get a first feel for the place. After our initial run on Greenwich, we fine tuned the clues and returned again later to set the pieces of the puzzle into place. The final part of the project was the presentation – writing the clues and drawing the map that the other group would follow as a guide.

I was very involved and enthusiastic about the project as I feel that it was good fun. I consider that we collectively did a fair amount of work to make sure that things worked out well in the end. Ultimately I think our project was a success. Everyone seemed to have a good time making it – and I assume making us bond with our classmates was at least partly the point of the assignment. We worked a great deal to insure that the questions would be challenging but not impossible – and that the little trials (funny poses for pictures, everyone cramming into a photo booth) were stimulating and fun. All in all the feedback we’ve gotten from the other group was pretty good and therefore, I think the final outcome was positive.


Elisabeth Woolley. Greenwich-The Instant Village. The Times. October 13, 1967.

"History and Architecture." [Online] Greenwich Official Website. <http://www.greenwichwhs.org.uk/>

"Greenwich." [Online] August 30th, 2006. <http://www.greenwich-guide.org.uk>

Parishes: Greenwich. The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 1, 1797.

"The Cutty Sark." [Online] May 31st, 2006. <http://www.greenwich-guide.org.uk/cutty.htm>

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